
Matches Exceptional Investors with
Exceptional Investments

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protect your retirement now with tangible safe haven assets.

Physical Precious Metal IRAs

Gold Ira

Gold Ira

Silver Ira

Silver Ira

Combo Ira

Combo Ira

Three Simple Steps

Gold Ira company - Open your Account

1. Open your Account

Gold Ira company - Transfer funds

2. Transfer funds

Gold Ira company - Select the Metals

3. Select the Metals


  • Gold Ira Company Clients talk
    Ashley N

    Everyone at The Gold IRA Company was excellent, kind, patient, and effective. I had been thinking of investing in silver for years, The Gold IRA Company went out of their way to make this a seamless, comfortable, and great experienc...

Market Information

BusinessInsider: Gold Prices Set To Climb ...
BusinessInsider: Gold Prices Set To Climb ...
Jun 28 | 2024

Article by BusinessInsider Gold prices could skyrocket to $3,000 per ounce within the next 12 to 18 months, according to Bank of America’s latest analysis.

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Gold Delivered 25% Profits Year-On-Year fo...
Gold Delivered 25% Profits Year-On-Year fo...
Apr 1 | 2024

Article By: WatcherGuru Gold has been a store of value for thousands of years and its glitter barely dimmed over the last few centuries. The precious metal is the ...

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CNBC: Gold at $3,000 and Oil at $100 By 20...
CNBC: Gold at $3,000 and Oil at $100 By 20...
Feb 25 | 2024

Article by Lee Ying Shan in 

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The Gold Ira Company Secured Storage


“Gold represents indestructible wealth. Gold rises in terms of fiat money, and gold declines in terms of fiat money.

Gold possesses some properties that are beyond the scope of other investments. Gold can't go broke, because gold does not derive its purchasing power from the edict or control of any sovereign power or central bank. Gold has no counter-parties. Gold is tangible and is accepted everywhere -- in good times or bad. Gold exists outside the world's banking system. Unlike fiat money, gold is wealth on its own.

It's tangible and not the fantasy-creation of central bankers. Gold does not need a sponsor or the acceptance of an expert (such as pricing a Picasso painting), because all gold is intrinsically the same. Gold does not tarnish nor does it degenerate -- the gold in your watch may be the same gold that Cleopatra wore around her neck.

The supply of gold, unlike paper money, is limited. Alchemists have tried for centuries to turn other metals into gold -- but have never succeeded. Gold is a beautiful metal on its own and the lust for gold seems to be built into the DNA of mankind. If you own ten thousand ounces of gold, you can say that you will ALWAYS be wealthy.” Richard Russell,Publisher of The Dow Theory Letters 1958-2015



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