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Markets Insider: Economist Nouriel Roubini Warns an Epic Market Crash is Likely – and He Fears a Toxic Combo of Inflation, Unemployment, and Recession

Markets Insider: Economist Nouriel Roubini Warns an Epic Market Crash is Likely – and He Fears a Toxic Combo of Inflation, Unemployment, and Recession

By: Christine von Liederbach
September 20, 2022
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Article by Theron Mohamed in Markets Insider

Nouriel Roubini warned investors to prepare for a historic market crash and suggested the US economy could tumble into a quagmire of shrinking output, surging inflation, and soaring unemployment.

The economics professor at NYU Stern shared his grim outlook during a recentĀ eToro webinar. He argued the Federal Reserve might have to double interest rates to 5% in order to curb inflation, but hiking to that level could choke economic growth and cause a spike in joblessness.

Moreover, raising rates could spark a debt crisis, Roubini said. American consumers, companies, and …….

To read this article in Markets Insider in its entirety, click here.

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